Return to open meeting Pledge of Allegiance
Board Report
Student recognition 1. 2020 UIL Swimming and Diving State Meet 2. Texas All-State Band/Choir/Orchestra Concerts
Staff recognition 1. Standing Ovation Awards
Community partner presentation
Approval of minutes from February 10 regular meeting and February 18 special meeting
1. Act on tax office reports 2. Act on budget transfers and amendments for 2019-2020 budget 3. Act on Anderson Elementary School and Christie Elementary School 25 Year Renovation Recommendation Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) Amendment 4. Act on SFCC, Inc. 2020 Summer Paint and Carpet Projects for Borchardt Elementary School, Clark Middle School, Fisher Elementary School and Roach Middle School with contingencies for each 5. Act on Nouveau Construction, Inc. 2020 Summer Paint and Carpet Projects for Admin Annex, Bledsoe Elementary School, Pink Elementary School and Shawnee Trail Elementary School with contingencies for each 6. Act on Regional WAN Communications Maintenance and Extension Agreement for Emerson High School 7. Act on Regional WAN Communications Maintenance and Extension Agreement for Swim Practice Facility 8. Act on Rogers Elementary School Phase 2 Addition and Renovation Deductive Change Order No. 1 for unused contingency, acceptance of work and authorize final payment 9. Act on the purchase of instructional materials using Instructional Materials Allotment (IMA) funds 10. Act on Joint Election Agreement with the City of Frisco
Consider and act on personnel recommendations 1. Employment 2. Principal of Emerson High School 3. Contract Extensions/Recommendations
Discussion regarding update on Internal Audit Department activity
Public hearing on 2018-2019 Texas Academic Performance Report
Discussion regarding ELAR instructional materials
Consider and act on recommendation of instructional materials for 9-12 English Language Arts and Reading
O. Instructional Support Team Reports 1. Curriculum and Instruction report a. Community Based Accountability Update 2. Leadership report a. McSpedden STEAM Carnival 3. Deputy Superintendent of Business and Operations Report a. Contract approval process 4. Finance report a. Annual Purchasing Cooperative Report 5. Technology report a. Culture of Literacy March Madness Activity 6. Communications report a. FISD Volunteers 7. Human Resources report a. Growing Our Own: FISD Pathways 8. Student Services report a. Student Opportunity Center update 9. Superintendent of Schools report 4. Consider and act on adjournment
Return to open meeting Pledge of Allegiance
Board Report
Student recognition 1. 2020 UIL Swimming and Diving State Meet 2. Texas All-State Band/Choir/Orchestra Concerts
Staff recognition 1. Standing Ovation Awards
Community partner presentation
Approval of minutes from February 10 regular meeting and February 18 special meeting
1. Act on tax office reports 2. Act on budget transfers and amendments for 2019-2020 budget 3. Act on Anderson Elementary School and Christie Elementary School 25 Year Renovation Recommendation Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) Amendment 4. Act on SFCC, Inc. 2020 Summer Paint and Carpet Projects for Borchardt Elementary School, Clark Middle School, Fisher Elementary School and Roach Middle School with contingencies for each 5. Act on Nouveau Construction, Inc. 2020 Summer Paint and Carpet Projects for Admin Annex, Bledsoe Elementary School, Pink Elementary School and Shawnee Trail Elementary School with contingencies for each 6. Act on Regional WAN Communications Maintenance and Extension Agreement for Emerson High School 7. Act on Regional WAN Communications Maintenance and Extension Agreement for Swim Practice Facility 8. Act on Rogers Elementary School Phase 2 Addition and Renovation Deductive Change Order No. 1 for unused contingency, acceptance of work and authorize final payment 9. Act on the purchase of instructional materials using Instructional Materials Allotment (IMA) funds 10. Act on Joint Election Agreement with the City of Frisco
Consider and act on personnel recommendations 1. Employment 2. Principal of Emerson High School 3. Contract Extensions/Recommendations
Discussion regarding update on Internal Audit Department activity
Public hearing on 2018-2019 Texas Academic Performance Report
Discussion regarding ELAR instructional materials
Consider and act on recommendation of instructional materials for 9-12 English Language Arts and Reading
O. Instructional Support Team Reports 1. Curriculum and Instruction report a. Community Based Accountability Update 2. Leadership report a. McSpedden STEAM Carnival 3. Deputy Superintendent of Business and Operations Report a. Contract approval process 4. Finance report a. Annual Purchasing Cooperative Report 5. Technology report a. Culture of Literacy March Madness Activity 6. Communications report a. FISD Volunteers 7. Human Resources report a. Growing Our Own: FISD Pathways 8. Student Services report a. Student Opportunity Center update 9. Superintendent of Schools report 4. Consider and act on adjournment